reading/writing survey

My literacy roots have been in class writing in class for other teachers and texting on my phone to other people. I don’t write in class unless I have to, but when i am on my phone i text people everyday. 

When i get other i want to be a welder or be an electrician. If I am one of these when i get older i don’t think i am going to be writing a whole lot but i will write, but it won’t be a whole lot. 

books on bookshelf

Reading survey 

  1. I don’t read that much unless I am on my phone texting someone. 
  2. I read on my phone when I am texting people and in school when i am doing work. 
  3. I would describe my reading as week i am dislexic so i can’t understand all that well, currently not in a relationship. 
  4. What keeps my reading alive? Probably my phone when i text people. In a reading relationship i am looking for something small and short to read because im not a good reader. What pushes me away? Probably coming to school and getting a bunch of work and having to read a lot. 
  5. Who i am as a reader? I am not a good reader i will ready a little as possible if I can. Challenges as a reader? Challenges are reading long paragraphs. What topics I like? I like argumentative topics.
  6. As a reader I have learned that i suck at reading. 
  7. Topics that pull me into a topic is telling people stories. 
  8. What you read can impact you your writing because you can learn things by reading and then write about it. 
  9. I plan on reading no books because I hate reading books. 
  10. To read a book, get better at reading, and to learn more. 
  11. Pay attention in class. 


Writing survey 


  1. My current writing if only texting on my phone and some writing in school for classes
  2. The ways that i write non school related are completely different to the ways I write in school i shorten im sentences when I am writing on my phone, but when i am writing in school i try to use complete sentences. 
  3. What keeps my writing alive is making it competitive. I am looking for a competitive writing 
  4. Texting on my phone keeps my writing alive.
  5. I’m not that good as a writing because i don’t analyze my writing bc i dont like reading. 
  6. Reading my writing and writing long paragraphs. 
  7. Being able to write and I can write a decent story. 
  8. Being able to lengthen my writing. 
  9. Telling stories and argumentative writers. 
  10. I have passing with writing stories and argumentative.
  11. What pulls me in? Wanting to tell a story.
  12. Telling stories.
  13. No i don’t like writing for real audiences. 
  14. No i don’t like telling reading stories especially my own stories.
  15. Write better, write longer, and tell stories better.